Calories are Creepy (A Hero’s Journey)
In the future we had done away with needless hostility. I am traveling thru the forest looking for anything of great value. Yes I will leave it better than I found it, staying off any sort of beaten or not, for the sake of beauty, random and continuous.
I met a man who has known nothing but abuse, he laying in direction the way before me. I reached him cautiously for I heard his pain and he did not move he did not know. The love bound our universe was lost without exchange.
“You’re sorry when you care for dies.”
He aks for water as he bled. I gove him my canteen and he dropps it, spiling out, soon as he was quenched. Of course I’m not, why else should I help dirty one into further abandonment and discomfort?
I’ll pick it up and continue onward. He said I don’t remember the context, lost the rules, now destined to fall too. They will put me because they don’trust in me, they don’t see as mall as me.
Also At that point I was waiting for something better. I knew it would come to this, alone in the forest searching and reasoning. I no longer hunger or thirst, I fell asleep long ago and it’s been this way as long as I choose to remember.
I don’t want her to worry because it’s no one’s fault. He died years after I left him, remembering my kindness there in the thicket and the high sun, the only thing he had lived for, to know that something, anything, is certainly better than nothing.
The world is now very small. Purpose is respected but hardly shared. We know that the dreamer doesn’t exist, that every word is only fragments of a wholesome lifestyle, thorough and complete.
The apxropriate amount of energy needed to raize the temperature of one g of water by one degree
It’s easy to let go when I wasn’t on hold, notinothing wheighding musackobbler perceptuchine
imagining one of cheeseburger good and personality morals
Destroy my awkward cortex
The skies the skies the skies
No matter whadda
the chance to do perfect
I miss the magic we used to