Sunny Moony
A unit is essential, like a burger, a night’s stay in a hotel room or a pair of pants. It is whatever the vendor declares, and the buyer then agrees, to be worth one.
Sun notes are worth one unit during the day, while moon notes are worth one unit at night.
Sun notes are traded at all times, whereas moon notes are only accepted at night. A sun note is worth two units at night, the worth of two moon notes.
Moon notes also break down in increments of full, three quarter, half, and quarter. This promotes liberated commerce at night, as part of celebration, and the reciprocal survival methods of demonstrable trade by day.
To make a sun note, cut two circles from a piece of yellow construction paper so that, when you pinch the circle between your thumb and index finger, you can see the edge of the circle on either side of your thumb. Glue these to one blue square of construction paper each so that you can just see blue all the way around the yellow circles. Then glue these blue squares to a red rectangle, one on each side and at opposite ends, so that a smaller rectangle is exposed beside the blue square which is about the width of the circle, as well as a border of red around the blue in comparable size to the blue border beside the yellow circle.
To make a moon note, cut two circles from a piece of white construction paper so that, when you pinch the circle between your thumb and index finger, you cannot see the edge of the circle on each side of your thumb. Glue these to one blue square of construction paper each so that you can see the blue all the way around the white circles. Then glue these blue squares to a black rectangle, one on each side and at opposite ends, so that a smaller rectangle is exposed beside the blue square which is about the width of the circle, as well as a border of black around the blue in comparable size to the blue border around the white circle.
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