Thursday, July 26, 2012

Banana Milkshake Inhalation (B.M.I.)

I too would be a great figurehead if I had not reverse brainwashed myself. I wanted to bide my time, so I may enjoy old age. I am too small and weak and ugly to truly be invested in. Everything I have done has been with good reason, and now I may die at any moment because of my sufferings.

I know I won't change anything, that the only difference the world holds is in complete reciprocation.

There exists evil and it does not know itself. It may only assume.

When it is too late I will be far far away, never to be reached again. I will not come back because I don't believe in unfinished business. Every bridge remains as an unburned something, because everything burns, everything burns.

apoplexy is getting me down. I am undiagnosed but I know what it feels like. everything burns. you can throw water on an electrical fire but you shouldn't because it will probably make it worse.

Do not worry or fear, about me or anything. We will die, until then we will change.


there is a certain brink that cannot be taught or understood. evil exists in the world and it must be destroyed.

there is a thing that can only be felt. it exists.

my face is asymmetrical. my face.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

dark park beer post

I sold my soul. Hard work is a waste of time. I now know I'm feared by those who don't understand me.

Last night I hypothetically threatened a life of someone I thought I knew. "Why would you do that to me? How could you do that to me?" In one instance it was a gun and then a knife. I thought they were ready for that caliber of deep thinking. My vivid imagination met their impressionable mind, we shook hands and they invited me to their birthday party next month, just five days after mine. But only after he ran to safety.

We have funny friends, ones that we've always knew existed because we were shown all sorts of movies when we were too young. Our parents didn't have time for us like they wanted, so we all became orphaned to the path of least resistance, not so bad as a similar plight. Everything we could possibly remember, someone else does is and will, one step all around us. They knew we would be safe at daycare because the television doesn't have long fingers and ill intent.

I've met a lot of people in Seattle, not any more than I would've if I had stayed, but at least we're blind together here. I once had an eye and they pushed me away, I left because I had to.

I'm sorry I made her life a living Hell, even if it just lasted for a moment. I still don't know what that meant for her but I know what pain is.

I'm not old; I'm tormented, but that's an easy mistake.
Sarcasm is lost to the text.
I don't know your mind but I hope you accept mine.

I do terrible things. Everything I do is terrible because I am terrible. I am a product of a terrible factory that was walking distance from my childhood home and I was lied to, lied to, lied to.

There are two sides to the tapestry

one for you

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

walk into and leave before it’s

Futilism                                $1000.00 suit                      social contract
Clear my appointment head

Pepperoni pizza w/P. butter, Kosher dill pickle   ORANGE JUICE AND COFFEE
EGG + HONEY on toasted whole wheat
EGG + MUSTARD            
Applesauce dessert cups
Fresh whipped cream
Thai peanut skewers
                Chx’n, LAMB, BEEF, salmon?, shrimp?
Ginger beer oatmeal
Jagermeister ice cream
Stuffed French toast
Malts + Shakes

Q: why is it the doctor’s job to worry?
A: they have all the patients.

Like a bandaid with the best intentions                  constructive disobedience           2 stomachs, 1 reaction                   Bifurcation

An agreement between master and existence (implied slave)

[Nurse Weirdhate] or [how I learned to stop caring and love the machine]

Vivaldi violin concerto in D
Schubert unfinished symphony
New World
Carmina Burana ORFF

A necessarily comfortable experiencing of necessary comfort and experience
Butler to the future
Omniuniversal eclecticism
Nuclear dogwaste
Landfill people
I do not care for a world of darkness. I am most interested when the sun is the highest. I will soon know my own strength, memory and rhythm.
Apostasy- poision4 da peeps
The coolest of the cruel, it takes two to duel, to soothe the savage fool (who eats up all our fuel gruel)
Hope faith trust and fear              elusive bonds that keep us here
Burn or get burned         fuck or get fucked           only happens once          only has to happen once
Having my way with words

Too many opportunities cause depression of productivity, at least perception of such. The balance is cancer; I’m not looking forward to embarrassment. There is a disconnect and I remember everything you said only when we find each other most important.
I’m practicing my timing.
“It’s porn if you want it to be.”
Woman is a bad word                    soft people                         love bodies
DIRTY                    churning butter                                putting pie on windowsill

                I’m not against public schools, but that’s not to say I’m for them, either. Do not argue with me about something that is realistically impractical, because practice only approaches perfect and the equal opportunity provided by institutions today, “made accessible” for the entire populations, puts out achievers and not on a luck basis. THE EXTRINSIC HOPE AND FEAR OF FORMAL INSTRUCTION is A WASTE OF TIME.
Compassion shall not be learned; expel the obsessive.
                School should be fun, for why otherwise would anyone have any heart in it, at which point true learning is impossible.

D.R.A.G. (Drug Relief Advocacy Group)
To posit relief:
·         To drugs (the oppressed, mis/ununderstood substance)
·         For drugs (to gain responsible use, regular, recreational, medicinal or otherwise)
·         From drugs (for us to move on)
·         Of drugs (to accept that the induced change, whatever it may be, is positive)
adjust abuse
What will I be remembered for? Not necessarily how; rich traditions are pushed through eyes as well as resource. Interpretations evolve and reasons become lost, the downfall of the individual could only eventually find physically necessary
The deplorable depths of self-deprication
                I remember what it was like to accept a certain Hell. I found myself with absolutely no way out, and I didn’t want one. I deserved to be there
The worlds source of selfishness is troubles
The worlds troubles are the source of selfishness
Are we assessing the troubles or the source of troubles? False dilemma
I’d rather not assert myself in petty games. Leave it to a professional. Let bygones go by.
I was raised correctly, by the unfamiliar, the interesting. I admonished my demons, left them to rot in solitude.
                Nothing should be free. Consequently, we each have different definitions of nothing: that which we take for granted, without which this life would not only be not worth living, but impossible to exist.
“The cracked ones let the light in.”
Negativity is only a concept
Nag Chomsky
Bipolar and equanimous
Where do the French Canadians fit into all of this?
The haves and halve-nots            is it littering to place a core beneath an apple tree?          Do we hate what we don’t understand?      Quality in all walks, looking back and watching a movie that would be painful to see if I wasn’t part of it.
Do what you want; the body will compensate. Head while you are a quit. I know who I am and who I want to be; I will become and die.
GERMS ARE PEOPLE TOO              blank space is expensive              outer, personal, empty
The buttered rum French toast                 cooked in ethereal grease           exoteric
I’m still in gestation and alive in WAR and may we never know what the fighting’s for
The Parthians, wild beasts of the plague
Mount Kun-Lun, the center of the world
                I look around and I see the untapped potential of dirty power, much like electricity but more integrated with nature, less understood, cycling and evolving                     Fear is the base of awe and astonishment, and I want to be afraid of the details rather than the grandeur, so I may do my part as a progressive human.
Seeing everything           in a fractal           of irreducible quality      and feeling no different
Is it right? To condense beyond one’s self? A reducible existence? I know what I’m doing?
What’s the word for half full?
Monodimensionality:  the state of being in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., rather than one, two, or three etc. dimensions
                I would never kill anyone, not myself, my brother, my father or son. No woman or animal. No matter how rude or unnecessary, not because they will get theirs, but because I certainly have mine.
                In modern America, where we are seemingly unbounded by consequence of opposing resource, the only solution is equanimity.
                When the world falls, we may know the responsible by the style of their penmanship.

The infinite path less traveled
                It’s cleaner here, that’s the first thing I notice. I like it more because of this.
               There is really nothing to be afraid of. Shadows are meant to appropriate about dark passions, subtle human truths.
                I know I have something to share with the world and I was just waiting for angel investors.
                I want success like they want it, certain death and destruction because war is lucrative, as I first learned in public school.
                I don’t realize specifically how I tip the scales because I do so much for free, in the name of American Dreams.
                I’m fun to have around, I don’t want that to change.
                Bleeding is always expensive.
I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
We don’t have a population problem beyond a distribution problem.
A movie theater we walk into and leave before it’s over and after it’s started
Q: Schroedinger and Heisenberg walk into a bar. What are they thinking about?
A: Something else
The problem is never far from the solution. A combination of the two.
Where do babies/money come from?
I’m not trying to change anything.
To make brown sugar, they first remove the molasses from the raw and refine it to pure white, then they reincorporate the molasses.