Thursday, July 26, 2012

Banana Milkshake Inhalation (B.M.I.)

I too would be a great figurehead if I had not reverse brainwashed myself. I wanted to bide my time, so I may enjoy old age. I am too small and weak and ugly to truly be invested in. Everything I have done has been with good reason, and now I may die at any moment because of my sufferings.

I know I won't change anything, that the only difference the world holds is in complete reciprocation.

There exists evil and it does not know itself. It may only assume.

When it is too late I will be far far away, never to be reached again. I will not come back because I don't believe in unfinished business. Every bridge remains as an unburned something, because everything burns, everything burns.

apoplexy is getting me down. I am undiagnosed but I know what it feels like. everything burns. you can throw water on an electrical fire but you shouldn't because it will probably make it worse.

Do not worry or fear, about me or anything. We will die, until then we will change.


there is a certain brink that cannot be taught or understood. evil exists in the world and it must be destroyed.

there is a thing that can only be felt. it exists.

my face is asymmetrical. my face.

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