Tuesday, October 30, 2012

the booty call center, 2036 AD

     Everyone and their parents have a cell phone these days. Strangers on the street and in their car, sitting beside you, wondering where your phone is. What a magickal device, a portal to transport you to where you want to be from where you deserve to be. It's a very simple dichotomy, expensive, narcissistic, consuming, and in the end a complete waste of time, our own, our  neighbours', and that for which any tangible progress may be achieved.
     Yes we are falling into a tradition, one that will make it quite a cold winter for the phoneless. It's a great advantage, one that we don't understand and so may as well exploit the best we can. And we all find dissatisfaction in it on some level, just like with everything else. Why must I ruin it for everybody? I'm not, I'm just making a note of the score, as referee, discussing the certain ball in play. It is with a stroke of luck you have. Even handed such, someone must have believed in what you are doing.
     We used to have guns, horses, cigarettes, books, food drink and each other, now this? A platform of information electronically wired in the palm of our hands, to metaphysically project our desires upon our hearts and minds? What kind of sick Joke is this? Somebody's been watching too muchTV.
     Wouldn't you like to live without memory or fear? Wouldn't that be better for everybody? Do you see whats holding you back and how you would prefer to change your previous course now for that certain benefit?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Executive decision for mutual dreams

      Whoever heard of a water addiction, because it does nothing to enhance the experience. Sometimes that's all it takes, to get an edge over a hump. Damn those for letter worlds.
     It's funny because it's true. Same difference. We're living an american's dream, who wasn't realized until we are. Our spiral only gets better with time, and though the end of that is ever nearing, it still seems worth seeing past the darkness. We ultimately care for our own struggles, which only lose beyond us.
     Magic is overrated, a lost cause, in the name of effect. The tricks on us, the aged diseased and traumatized. Us comfortable in this nightmare of separation. We dont realize what we're losing, let alone that we're losing at all. It took patience to get here and we don't get them back.
     excuses are dead promises. Life is a glimpse of tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2012

Consensual contextual

      I've been here before, in this place and choice. I remained, safe and sane until I was no longer needed. I only want to live in the sun with my friends, in cooperation of the inevitable. It got under my skin, the familiar abuse, and now a reminder of darker times, past and future. Our mother would be proud if she could only see that we've gotten better, stronger. But where is she? What planet was she granted? Inherited?
I'm not.changing anyone or anything, I am very particular of whom I effect and why. I haven't learned my lesson. My pain, my empire, it's all my fault. I do not want life because there is nothing else to want.
     As I write I do not have you in mind. I don't believe my own lies. This country was founded on tobacco, slaves and garbage, now without dreams we only see coping mechanisms. We've forgotten who we aren't and never will be, so who is left
     I've reached a level of maturity, unknowingly having raised my arm. I wanted to know what would happen if I agreed, if I'd become something better. This time, I'm working hard at everything I want to leave, so my more obvious void will be a welcoming model of success. My pursuit is for light, the absence of unknown threat and a reason to come back, to wake up and be well.
I keep fighting the good fight of unseen motivation, ghosts and legends, to be rembered as a catalyst for the possible world.
     Anything that cannot be shouted from a speeding car to another on the opposite direction is a waste of time, a distraction and an early grave.