Saturday, February 16, 2019

Things That Didn't Happen

I believe in a world without:
Cars, the mobile isolating deathtraps destroying our 'scape
Guns and other violent weapons
Money, wealth or the concept of being rich
Illness and being unusually unwell
Guilt and the pressures that come wth it
Desperation, hopelessness, inevitability
Needless Suffering
Animosity towards our fellow man
Fear, especially that of the unknown
Hell, as opposed to Heaven, in this world or beyond it
Strife, only as a means of perpetuating the self
Wasted Potential
Noise, as opposed to music
Soil, mess or mold
Ignorance and ignorance
Selfishness, especially mine
Negativity, as opposed to. . 
Pain, because it's natures warning
Disease and being usually unwell
Discomfort, stress, intangibly 
Loss, where did it go.
War, fighting, bloodshed
Nightmares, creepy spooky nullifying
Power as a means
Hate as meanness, and bullies

Belief belief belief belief

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