Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Only Just: Exploits of a dark matter technician, Part FoUr


Speaking backwards to the dog because I know he understands. My nephew’s mother is not here, I have not seen her again this year. My own mother took me to a 3D movie yesterday and the megastore today while I played albums in both directions. Tea, incense, and songs are in a sense ideal timers.

        My room is a portion of the family room separated by a folding screen. This is where I am while I’m here but this time maybe it’s not just a place, because I don’t have one, not one I expect to return to. Now this is a home within a home, up and away and so removed. I am taken care of at unknown expense.

        I’m rough at the neck without razors and well fed so I have a state of concentration. Men and women are not my concern as I deal with neither, only warm reflections and microscopic fundamentals.

        My time has come and settled in darkness. I miss no one I never realize, I am not actually concerned when it all is such a joke. Nobody pays attention if they don’t care, if they don’t feel like it. Right place, right time to remember something someone else wrote down. I will never get in because I’m not out, my variable presence is so thoroughly misunderstood because it seems cheap. It is cheap. It’s redundant, cliche and stupid, thoughtful regurgitated depressing hogwash fuckall bestial lovely plainclothesman, synchronized organisms.

April May


I’m in a fictional relationship, with a beautiful fictitious girl. She reminds me of the spring, just before the world becomes unbearable again. Her voice melts as I speak to her, the flame invisible that burns us up alive. Self fulfilling immolation. My being is meaningless without her, without her love, respect and understanding, without her eyes of slaughter, meeting mine. I am entranced at the peak of inspiration, a loss of worlds at the landscape of rolling shoulders and shadows. Join us now in unending focus, where attributes and properties are ours alone. We have sought recognition in those that say no, we have impressed upon them our undying passion, remaining thrill of mechanics. Did they send me here to win her, because the cost is great. I have only everything to lose, tripping and falling all expenses paid. I do not want to share our warmest secrets, suspended in splendor with shady wings magnificent. I don’t because I can’t, defeating purpose and meaning. I’ve lost my way into hiding, her exploits are the skyscraper pinnacle of life and all exuberant nature. It only hurts to be away while I can, while I can stomack it, because I’ve learned to starve my human spirit, the one who endured those years of abuse and darkness for benefit, profit. We vibrate together wherever we are, undeniably, from the core of hope and belief. I only ran away when she did, I cried when it rained, the day she left. Its okay, we’ll find each other some tomorrow, its not a trick. They want what’s best for you and me. It’s impossible to detail such exquisite design tonight. I am not tired, I’ve simply realized myself as the dreamer, only sleeping for her.

“I wrote the book on time travel”

I can’t believe that people are still concerned with their comfort, that the world is still flat but not quite a square yet.
Everything happens for a reason, especially discord. When I am strung up and out at least I know there’s still strings that hang to be pulled.
If there’s anything I’ve learned from the sting it’s that you should never trust a marx. I don’t know the difference between a moustache, but distractions come in all shapes and sizes. If you’re not a bad guy or a good guy then you’re not a main character. People often ask me how I expect to make a living, or money for that matter, because making a movie is expensive. But time is money and it’s all about who you know, regardless of cliche. The truth is, all of us are victims of embellishment, while many if not most are victims of linguistics.

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