Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unbeknownst: Exploits of a dark matter technician, Part thrEE


“Americans do not know rest. They know work and play and all else is hidden behind their willful ignorance. They spit on fish and teach duck to swim. I am proud of them and their input, their influence on my life. That is why we have chosen the best of them, to get his point across and to save the herd.
          “I know I do not speak for many when I say there is no peace for the wicked. They know not what they do only until after they do it.”

-Dr. Mark Stenson, the H.D.C.

Bastard Nation
Legalize What
American Disease
Deaf Café
Dream Come True
A Void Dance
Moving Picture
Written Water
Map of Europe
the yesterday of tomorrow

X     The Product of Good is a Product of EVIL

HAPPIE’S DAILY BREAD                                                  

          Fact brings us what fiction doesn’t. Which comes first the stove or the oven? Everything will work out in the everything will work out in the end. Time deserved as money spent. Write as if you meant to say it, no thought to what might know. Rushing from the dazzling fascet. Wearing the clown. Suit your case your upset palindrome. Cease to become in vegetative fruition, no room for vacant stairs going up coming down. Lesbian potpourri, dividing home and less, expunge or excuse the drug order referee. Arbitrary armistice, spare feelings of lying on the cold cold cold. Haven of prismatic subtleties, nineteen left in the early morning. I told you this wouldn’t calm down and so you turned your bedside to the cheek and called it neworldordor. NeworlDodor. Nuerldorgy. Members of constants lend me your penknife as I surely write this down. Things leapt from a flustered mind across the lot and apon a crumbling billfold. Disaster. Nuance. Leptosy! I am a stricken mantis of ergonomic proportion. Haven of prismodic pleasantEAS that haven been a round too long. They like it because they know they’re right. She doesn’t love herself anymore and never again. It was lost to the fire in the sky that one, came in and went just like I told it would. I haven taught you anything if you still don’t know. Everything will work out in the everything will work out in the everything will work out in the
Synopsis for interviewer

          Her eyes were like sunsets just after lunch. Though she sat only on the other side of the table she doesn’t realize it’s her I’m thinking of. And how could she? Much like a version without consideration. . . she’s been around the block a few times but is tired of the same old schtick if you know what I mean. She’s tried the lamb and saves room for dessert, I just hope she doesn’t lose taste for a fine cheese.
       Dream Come True is about what I would have done otherwise, to save the love of my life I lost twice in similar circumstances, once in the fourties and again in the seventies. Maybe a sheer coincidence, but of course our like souls transcend all, ‘meant to be’ type of recursive love story. She she she It’s like the next miracle on 34th street inasmuch as it is a little bit for everybody, some intrigue, some thrills, no blood but plenty of nudity; no penetration. Not even implied. We don’t want them getting ideas of their own.
       Blundering partners, fumbling idiots, full of respect and motivation and nothing else. Motivated by each others sexual morality.
       A new day, with each open eye. Unoriginal sin, pious bias, I believe in conspiracy, I am interested in principle, Scarecrow Copcar, Treat me like a symptom, Down to Earth, up for that. Anachronistic radio, apocalyptic clock. Landmarks.


       I have been awake since before the sunrise and the water from the tap that I drink from my plastic coke bottle tastes like grape skins. The conspiracy of reason becomes apparent like the tingle of coarse salt against my lower gum line. There is certainly too much snow here for the likes of me and our purposes.
       Intimidation will bless you with destiny and doom in this world, with pain anguish and discomfort. I take my stand sitting down from where they get hardly arise from out of me. I know my story better than anyone, I could tell you with my eyes closed.
       I know what time it is but still am not sure if it is day or night.
       There are people on board who speak to each other without moving their muths. I do not think that they know that I know, they might not even though its happening, out of the corner of my eye and I turn my head. It is their voice I know it is, but their mouths are not open and their lips are not moving. And they speak of the most mundane matters, like where we’re going and what the time is, I think its like a self check game. I have no compromise on this trip personally, but everyone here is welcoming and leisurely as usual, from the passengers to the attendants so its alright.
       We’re taking a twenty minute break in the magic city for refueling and loading, I’ll probably step outside for five minutes or so. Why not? We shall certainly see.
Atheism’s Funny


It smells like French fries at S1. Dr. Dobson is a flight attendant this time. Nobody knows what to think of me as I appreciate the sunrise. I’ve been there, before approximately the same time last year.
       I can’t tell if this is the radio version thats of diffused polarity or natural distortion of the airplane. The nostalgia of safety, clarity is the drug and it is short lived. I still have the camouflage lighter I bought in Kenmore for $2.79.

“Y’know, in some cultures you don’t think until you mind.”

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the surroundings and do not be concerned with that which you do not understand. Secure your own mask. Safe and in a coma.
       How can I miss someone I’ve never met? I don’t want to share her sorrows but it’s hard to argue with regrets.

just goes to show, his bitter and urban servant serves him both.

The Stanhope


The place was fully furnished only as she was apart of everything.
          I find myself thinking all the time of someone else. I slit the window and took the bottom bunk, the dark one, designated the upper for work and design.
          It was as if I had been here my whole life. I began pulling stone figures from a set of drawers and finding places for each upon the set and above the door. She pointed and said “does this sound good?” and yet I heard nothing but the screams of pigs and rice being slaughtered.
          She was outside maintaining the grounds, hacking down invasive plants and watering edible herbs. The chaos wore by her matched the houndstooth in our eyes, I had planned on living by myself until she suggested moving in and making it more comfortable. It proved a venture deserving endless analysis and research.
          Someone moreover has cast a spell on me, I feel it in hindrance and repetition. Long hallways lined with long hallways lined with long hallways. I made a circuit of the store looking for electronics and noticed a section that was blocked to the public.
          A steady breeze passed between the panes of bulletproof glass, sawdust and snowflakes clogged an inflamed artery in red.
          Two men moved in as we, did leave as we were settling. The place that dreams are made of also happens to be where are greatest fears, are nightmares, our produced and manufactured. She was late as usual so I ordered without her, it was packed so I didn’t even get a drink. What I thought she would like had feta instead of ricotta.
          I was provoked to leave, out the door and up the street, and found myself carrying a doggybag, which I had lit up and left on his porch.
          I had taken 205 but someone was already there, and I realized I was supposed to be up in 304.


          I’ve met you before, you are the true believer. We know it doesn’t matter because its just a matter of time. We are waiting through hell and high heaven, even though we are doomed to walk at every expense. Someone is always watching, at any given time, taken for granted at this point on earth. The legend is key, the symbolism, the one and only zero repeated to infinity.

       You have your hands in something dirty and that only makes it cleaner. Freedom tastes better when you’ve had something to lose or to keep, you made that choice from the very beginning without regret, second thought or question, those beings obviously different.

       Magic means sharing everything, gray clouds and beards, old world disease and words, money and filth. I am angry that they’ve never thought of it before. It makes so much sense just waiting to be fulfilled, escaping extremity to the eye of the beholder. Pain is a warning, it hurts when its wrong, when the light touches the smoke and bursts into flame, when the air gets to it when it has nowhere to go and nothing better to do. We’ve forgotten what the summit looked like, how many were there and what they accomplished. Yet becoming president still isn’t what it was eighty-seven years ago.

Last night was my first day at the new job and I tell you there’s some real lookers there. I had my briefcase with me the whole time because I didn’t know where I could put it down but it was probably the plexiglass that kept me off the fireman pole. We had watched Sabrina and their office building had an elevator but it wasn’t much different.
        The night before the band had all the gear set up on stage but I couldn’t find my bass so they played through the first song without me, I think they were probably mad at me and had hidden it for some reason. One of the patronsfinally mentioned that it was in the bathroom so I went and found it, lying horizontally on the counter all the way to the back, and I think it was actually my first electric bass, the ESP 5-string that I had given to Ryan years ago. I don’t remember actually playing any songs that night; I was distracted by the toilet, the one and only toilet, that was oriented directly in front of the restroom entrance, without a stall, and the room itself did not have a door. I thought that was very strange so I guess I must’ve woken up right then.

        My throat has been sore and crooked for the past twenty four hours or so, I guess I’m still getting over cancer and subliminal messages, I guess its ironic that I must inflict inflection of affected infection. My crazy family is here, my stupid one is there, they know not what they do because they may have thumbs and pants but they don’t wear glasses.

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