Thursday, April 7, 2016

Posession, or the Secret Order of the Blue Chains

     You had probably heard of Mary Pink, because she had not been videotaped for her remarkable behavior.
     Her body had been recovered from a car accident in which she had been badly burned. Her identification was also practically destroyed, except for her first name and the first two letters of her last name. She happened to be wearing all pink when she was found.
     It was soon discovered that when she was touched that she would continue touching herself until stopped. She seemed to love having her hair stroked and petted.
     The people taking care of her did not want to share her secret with anyone, so they kept her at home and took care of her the best they could. Nobody came looking for her as if she never existed in the first place, as if the accident never had happened. As far as they could tell there hadn't been anyone else in the car and there were no other vehicles involved.
     She inevitably began to fall apart and her caretakers didn't know what to do. They gave her anything they thought she needed, including a whole new wardrobe in her favorite color.
     One morning one of them went to check on her and she was not in her room. They searched all over the house for her before they realized she was lying on the ground outside, under a tree in the shade in front of the house. They got her back inside as quickly as they could, carrying her gently, with one of her arms over one of their shoulders. From then on they kept the door locked when she was by herself.
     At that point they had to decide what to do with her because she could no longer stay there with them. They had documented her mystery the best they could. They continued to provoke her in front of a video camera but without a reaction, as if she was aware of what was happening. They didn't realize that it had been daylight outside every time they had tried, especially because the room they had been keeping her had no windows. She somehow knew though, and she was not obligated to fulfill their wishes.
     They decided finally to let her go, opening every door in the house and leaving it up to her. She yet remained for quite some time and the people taking care of her continued to fruitlessly record her.
     Then they saw her standing in the middle of the house in the middle of the night. One of them approached her, slowly, carefully, reached out and proceeded to lay their hand upon her. As soon as they did, she fell to the floor and did not get up again.

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