Wednesday, April 5, 2017

ADM Pt. 2

     I had dreamt early in the race that we were in fact running in opposite directions. Walking towards a mirror as it progresses forward, the background strangely receding.
     In the realm of appreciation, I sacrifice control for command, a means of balancing both personal and professional checks. Let the record show that we have not skipped tracks just to face the music. What the fox is saying is certainly negligible considering its political bias.

Forked tongue and forces at work
they can never keep us a p a r t
the touch of metal and taste of skin
Fucked up, restless, counting my friends
I have no proof of your selfishness
not a particularly nice cut of meat you have
to cook it before it falls from the bone

james bond meets Alfred Hitchcock

     a sheer sense of irony
     “my problems and your plans. . . “

It is war itself which has become mechanized
and as long as we remain standing idly by
then it will certainly strive in attempt to survive

S.S. Relationship
a message from the other side,
painstakingly recorded
we all just want a self to control
you owe me not
Black Mirror Contradiction
dollars and cents, souls and light
philosophy and politics
sleep aids on a daily basis
what is there and what is it like
Red, White, Black or Blue
Entropy and Exergy
Presume the Omission

       in food stamp fraud
Places and Things
Playing bass with a backpack on,
in my grandmothers soccer field
A special circle of hell
for the self-inflicted

In-house barber
“I’ve showed you everything there is to know and now I’m done with you.”

Filming in Progress- - -

Sex Axe

Looking up the moon

this has all happened before
and everyone knows it.

Injustice, we trust.♥

Samhsa and liquor control.

Brick or mortar
the transference of souls

Regular scripture, regular schedule

Humans against robots since 1999

Of Purpose and Freedom:
demonic and devilish lifestyles.
that being said, pain is a warning- -
not to mention, goes without saying,

Reason, Logic, Sense
may as well have happened 200 years ago
Library of Libraries
Kissing his cheek before the king
and his grandfather was younger
than we are now
In our bubble we may think and
speak in any way we want,
while they can’t afford it.
with me as the key,
we are locked

terror, intimidation
ageless, sustainable
genre-ration gap
a Rose among garbage
How is yours more valid?
genetic, made up
switchin skin, swappin spit
pop up snapshot better times
birth, life, death control
past, present in future

Formal Sex
In Tuition
Able bodies, able minds
Anamerican Dreams
Get Born
Pneuma Hagion
Perfect again
Shell shake
Bad light
Do better, try harder

Rich Cells
“Bread and Circus”
Love Crimes
Singers and Swingers, Singles and Stingers
Shiny Productions/A Royal We Presentations
Betty Boop’s Grandfather
A Year in Paradise by Floyd Shmoe
Wilco Shmilco

I’ve presumed your promiscuity;
theres nothing I can do- -
and sacrificed my hard work,
at the chance of a better world.
Rights of Passage;
my hereditary inheritance,
for I am inherently
Hurting the stupidface around you,
fell from heaven, killing me.
“Being famous means becoming
friends with everyone you
don’t like. . .”



How can you know if you can’t remember?

hundreds die because thousands live
very well and if that isn’t war then
I don’t know what is.

the shit that’s hitting the fan
has an orange face
and a bad combover.

gladly suck my train

America’s passed time

symptoms of the problem

Why would anyone choose to live here?

Stupid Robot Voice.

No Deal Ordeal

Genreration Gap. . .

“i’m thinking I’m shrinking”


art is never two-sided.

“. . the systematic breakdown of bureaucratic infrastructure, as well as the nuclear family.”

Polly Gamma


Celebration, FL

alien gargle


Awesome, guys


Single Layer System
Prove me good, prove me wrong
Intended affect
this honest truth
zero is a number
tea rust lines hercup
ankles over elbows
whatever you are with eyes closed
I used to get confused
Sauce facsimile
convenience, coincidence, situation, routine
Baby’s first grand

past-present in future
convenient customs
courage and confidence.
Exploding Balloons of Paint
“This is the girl. . .”
Good Weed/Marijuana Control Board
Retroactive anticipation

Being John McLaughlin

they’re fuckin chicken in our shoes
can’t you see that, you communist?
you dramatist?

Brokendown memories fit neatly
stuck in a shower, sifting thru shit
skirting the issue, cleansing the uniform
saved for a special occasion

. . . church and steak. . .

Barfly and Grotesque
Sick Again?
comfort junk   

I don’t have to ask, I know you do
I don’t have to, I know you
I don’t, you do

Manifest Density, proximation
honesty and courage, confidence
sum joke
drooling in my sleep
fried optic nerve
post void dribbling
playing my cards
biding my time
dags in idiosynthesis
locks on the lightswitches
“People are interested
In being afraid. . .”


+all we have is now~

Stained glass teeth, shattered like icicles
condone compost complacent conduct
predicting what isn’t a waste of time
a difficult job, necessary and practically impossible
saved bythe exploits of my siblings children
treating the system as a symptom of the cure
Reigning cats or dogs, influence and glory
Overhead lighting versus overwhelming miasma
Ray Cyst of the Tumor Black Esophagus
speaking the mind in assumably generalized tongue
croney communism works in practice not in theory
choices and decisions, a mother or a father

“which style sentence is more expensive?”

overreach, undergrasp, enforcement or entrapment
legislation and regulation
men’s deliberation

academic and creative education
doug pants and bettys grandfather
turning a blind ear upon subjects of misuse
how will history revise our apparent debt to ourselves
your smug bias will not save your prejudice. . .
the influence of ignorance, (make no mistake
Do not confuse my naivete for give-ness
Integrative social disposition, integral integrity)

Hack Attack
Hijack attack

Where do depressed people go on vacation?
Malaisia (not funny)

Anamerica, antimatter
unwritten rule, unspoken agreement
jacks magic beans
“I don’t want to go to work today”
one-sided, narrow minded
hunting tracking trailing timing
necessary compliance
the quantum generator
“prone. . .”

your demise or my escape
waiting for the day to be over
so my night may begin


Ben Panther
Siege Perilous
Plantage: Quality, quantity
Life or death
anomalous kiss
a ray of beverages
decked-out hearse
a vision, a version, a void and a veil
give in, half a chance
love my rotten tooth
Let me ask you a question”
 Can I
Black Philip
The Place With No Stairs

Constant Sobriety
I don’t like your problems
sarcastic ignorant
mass transit, fossil fuel
trust issue
atheism, anarchism, apathism
The Cloud/tabula rasa
“one day at a time. . .”
“all god’s children got shoes”
a rudimentary form
Love, 21-
hand in the hand
just a twig
sitting upon bed
the monkey and the type-writer, 9 years a part
in-stead, arrowspace

Recurring Doors
Dave’s Foundation
“Imposing the hypothetical. . .”
conscious observer, conscientious objector
living in pain, living with disabilitys (or not)
middling creatures meddling problems
two bifurcated dichotomies
chefs excuse/the decider
Unholy matrimoney
The Great Sorting
Window Legacy
Validating my human participation


Soular House
tyranny, misandry, scrutiny
Respect and understanding
adoration and admiration
appearance and experience
Get Rich Quick

The Legitimization of Man vs Machine
Interval Interstice
Physicians and Physicists
Medicine as science
Government is artificial intelligence

nose Blind
Chief Executive Officer
bark or bite, fight or flight

The Error of your Ways
My cat is a terrorist
Fight the good fight
Symptoms of addictions
Subconscious Revenue
Support the Minimum Wage
The Efficacy of Human Origin
Commercial consumables
Breaking news the news is breaking
Causers causes the cures it causes

Saving it for later

Texturamitazisch (wears my hat)
The Exertainment (what time is it)
Cafe Decaf (this isn’t the deaf cafe)
April May (all in to get her)
Skeptix (How things aren’t)
Duezies (Everyones got one)
Scruples (paper or plastic)
Harvery Ridpath (Everything Else)
Hotel Monaco (high ceilings/Low ceiling Fans)
Herschel Wallace (Stay at home prophet)

Quadruple chocolate stout float
Capital Agenda Experience
Data Used is Data Lost
Torture, torment, command and control
Hyperbolic Guilt Chamber (quantum generator)
On Bored
Genius is always two-sided

Better Than Nothing
Pushy Pully
Beyond the Horizon
Human Doing
PRONE to Discourse. . . a Second Language
     “love is the answer. . .”
Lest we Forget
~highly critical~
water well drawn
original source
surface conditioning
fringe invester
Dancing in Shadows
a diction, a tension
case study, food play
head Line news
cat trainer, dishwasher, bartender, video operator

Royal Mutt
Temporal Lobe
Isosceles Hypotenuse
Speakerphone Test
Sharp-tongued, bitter lipped
I’m (in love with/leaving) you
Wormholes are black, also
Dash off, skip the formalities
Define Nothing.
impose a person upon you

Sometimes I scare myself
inducive inclusive, injustise, injestion
abstraction by sedition
Hardcover Checkouts

Silent bodies, Blank Hears   
Rich you will; the same thing
over and over, allowing it to sound good
becoming friends with everyone you don’t like
just game; only just, Read just
of thoughts and feeling, Truth and Meaning

of comfort and pleasure, ignorance and
judgement; simultanagnostic-akratic
healthy, normal, relative aspirations
adhere to anticipated abolitions
degradent, bad and wrong
as for her device
deaf in Texas
get ahead, why even try
Led to believe a lie
Biodegradable disc,

acquired taste, parallel vision
The hourglass spilling over
“I don’t want to be here anymore”
Tell us a free one
are problems our obvious and alone
made of other animals, through the jungle
the girls left us for our own devices
traps we set and forgot about the beast
Running back to a stark civilization
a tennis court by the cold cold beach
My brother knows no true consolation
we gave them the flaming sword to protect
and give them something nice to do
courtesy is never perfectly simple


Seem Less liKe moRe KinD

in best interests
Leave it better than you left it

“Everything happens for a reason,
and it only has to happen twice. . .”

twelve beef
Bread and Circus
Cohesive coherent
Get fixed, stay broke
Time DilatioN
Exact science and accuracy
Henry Jameson
Couch Surfin’
The Influence of Ignorance
went the other way
the hyerarckichal expanse
Static Void
Public Investigator; Negative Psychology

Acting Out
Sabi Wabi
inefficient/insecure (Bills)
“Someone’s gotta push the buttons. . .”
Loss of WorLds(ill-Literate)
hardcover/paperback (checkout crisis)
work done
like minds think theyre great
and good to be around
book of antonyms


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