Wednesday, April 5, 2017

ADM Pt. 4

Equanimity, ain’t it shitty,
too much for the town,
not enough for the city.
Beauty ain’t pretty, ugly and skinny,
sleepless nights,
not losing any.
Pass the pepper, honey. . .
Ball or chain, pillow of salt
wet hamster
Hindu Martha
Tomorrow is an other day.

a dark matter technician amid harbingers of desultory circumlocution

The Grandmother Complex facilitates the Grandfather Paradox.

parallel ascension, the hierarckychal expanse (Lead)

complanency, falsascertions

format application interface platform

surface conditioning
10. A single rule is meant to be broken.

Feed The Robot, Not The Beast

the seconds inexplicable
first thing first thing first thing first thing first
Dutiful Beautiful Successful

Practice your balance, and balance your practice.

twice a man, twice a woman
Shotgun, Bitch, Death, Shadow
It’s getting too real. . .

do drugs take drugs on drugs
I can’t tell you wine ought.

get the real hard work done early
Per dream to chance per sleep
This has all happened before, and everybody knows it.
Everything and The Rest. . .

Easy to blame others for their mistakes.

faced with a new solution
those receptors never close
Respect or Understanding. . .

Converse expense of Speculations

opportunity cost me a fortune

money well spent
Health Assurance,
Maximum Wage.

ten thousand hours. . .

the acrimonious crescendo

Retroactive introspection

tiny piece of plastic

two ways to level up:
either death or waking
(never both)

The difference between comedy and tragedy, when things go right.

defense against madness. . .

Have Fun
My watch ticks about half the time. Either it does or it doesn’t.

thermodynamic control

She will not condone this kind of behavior. Protest.
Genius, being incompatible with human tendency, is always two-sided.
Personal Investment

Letters of transmit
Schizophrenic narcissism
Hello, Careful, Sorry

fourth wall dimensional drop

I was supposedly fifteen when this was supposed to have taken place.
Everything’s a big deal if you don’t have anything better to do.
Where is the soul?

the minds of torment few and far between
I’m not me, this isn’t me.
Command and control. . .
The Popular Context;
this was not meant to last.
Artisan Arson
Everything happens for a reason and it only has to happen twice.

slavery, service, savings, sacrifice.

Did you hear the one about the humorless void? It’s no laughing matter.

Wash first, condition second
Water well drawn
(when want turned to went)

Respect and Understanding

domesticated and unchanging, tame, non-life-threatening.

work, play, rest, sleep, dream.

Air, light, sound, fragrance, space: the restaurant experience.

Virtual Tangibility. . .

The Texuramitazisch
“Come for table.”
Farmhouse Cuisine
Complacense or Fearmongery; Insect-and-Beastiology. . .

good at what I do, bad at what I don’t.

Funny Men, Good Women, Other People, Bad Future
Better Things To Do. . .

The one thing that I dislike the most about going out after staying at the house for so long is the indigestion.

Allocation of Funds
Imagining a circle;
Realizing a sphere.
(Knowing a point*,
Plotting a curve. . . )
*experiencing a moment

full disclosure

Rhetoric and cliché
Supplementing my success and survival, the internet of things, making things more thingy.

going on with it without knowing why.
A Compromise of Desire
A Conflict of Interest
A Recourse of Adaptation
A Longing of Inspiration
My Professional Opinion
Incorporative Literature
A Fateful Reminder
Bathed in the Either
What’s wrong?

got what I came for, Bought what I paid for, gonna leave it better than you left it; global reset.

cities all the same
who is left to blame
take my name in vain
numb the pain away

Please Home the Helpless
The Big Audience
She don’t want a project
four wheels or legs
Safeguard Benefit Economics

Rectangular Pyramid
Regressive Congruence
Recursive Concurrence
Retroactive Convolution
Reimbursive Contribution
Realistic Imagination
Robotic Automation

alcubierre drive
jonbar hinge
Adversity or Diversity
Invest in your Health,
For your Better Self.


don’t trust the demiurge

Indoctrination or education
some reason chose to believe

Funny men don’t die.
Funny men get sad,
and then they die.

profound truth through found proof.

Primitivistic Inebriationism


go on and ask her about:
wormholes, professional permission, respect and supervision.

phase change; consideration.

Relatively nothing, and nothing to compare it to.

embarrassment less than well

Leaving heavily lifting to the machines.

conscious, constant, and consistent.

as much coffee as possible, as much water as coffee, and as much food as one can handle.

Every Other Fourth-Coming
Staying in ones quarters.
Literal, actual, real truths,
every and all simply relative

Let the record show
admissible omission
the difference exists
on the fourth dimension

ascertain relevancy
entertain necessity

the heart is a computer
machines hurt my feelings
nice lies, mean truth
the television a brain

I don’t get paid to think, so I don’t.

everything dies;
I’m used to it.

neutralized sensitivity

the anarchist party

Systematically dismantling

manifest density. . .

cybernetic mutations

the great disruptor

a matter of spacetime
wormhole exits

Baby’s First Grand

Four Grey Grey Grey Walls,
Red Curtains, Candlelight,
A hidden door, below ground
Basic Absence of Details

window cracks
backyard snacks

All the channels

where the heats are seated
not gonna go just to loose

It’s allmost three much
coming in to my own

Serious person, false human


clean springing

necessible inevitary

drumming to the march of my own beat.

Standing in direct opposition with the modern medical system

embracing the mortality

the color of the sun,
the shade of the mirror.

unnameable goodness

Am I becoming
Will I become
Am I somebody
I do not like

complex ignorance
post void dribbling
laughing and sneezing
wasted in my youth

gut thinking
hygienic response
the inward frontier

artifacts and artificts

Cut with some cheap white substitute

I can’t believe we would choose to participate in something so superficial.

get my own goldenware
this sick makes me place
makes me stronger

awesomazing, amazisome. . .
Racial Intolerance

Four Walls of Congestion

systematic stupification

narrow and closed minded

doesn’t make any distance

downplay all possible futures

there exists no schedule in
this world that is
practically ideal

If it wasn’t for facebook, I couldn’t be able to tell what it was that I did or did not like.

Change is Uncertain.

All my friends are dems,
all her friends are them.

“My back hurts.”

When things go wrong, the wrong get things.
Don’t say I didn’t told you so.

Verified Authentication

Vesica Pescis

middle time, night or day

a good waste of black space

will they never let me be

My mess is a desk but
a house it should be.

Speaking of Irony. . .

tangible virtuality

Business Hours Seven to Four
Waking Hours Twelve to Six

Fringe or Surface Dwellers

Fractal fetish, chaos lust

Can’t match a face to a name
Changed to protect the profit

collective feeding routines

warning against the side effects of pharmaceutical commercials

freedom to implore
living in excesss
dreaming to writing
dying for the moment


I wrote the book. . .

the silver irony, the naughty box, the el duderino, and peace o’ pizza.
Quadratic Deployment
Meal Plan
Grass always greener
other side of the tracks
can’t have it all and
everything else

blood sugar concentration

devisive contentious

Book of Antonyms

grapefruit and liquorise

neapolitan salad

melt my meltor

jager and red hot ice cream

lavender grasshopper lemon poundcake sandwiches

cherry bombe, pistachio
dark chocolate ganache

wine tart

breakfast of champions

Subjects of a toxic environment: absorption.

Practice rejecting doctrines
eliminating antiquated cells

anything is more closely related to the space that doesn’t surround it.

non-transferrable fortunes

Personal investment and insurance

The money you spent is the money I’ll have.
I understand that it is not extremely pleasant to be living in fear.

Knowable, known, unknown, unknowable
Principle Dilution of sorts

withdrawn perspective system

when it comes to numbers, the difference is the similarity; and when it comes to names, the similarity is the difference.

nothing surprises me, gentlemen.

median judgement experience

misplaced expectations

had a hard time explaining

baths every day or
showers every other



negative reaction aspect

effortless consolidation
vegetative fruition

control freak behaviors and tendencies

making sure things run smoothly

Living Beyond One’s Own Means

Pure consolidation

The Greendanger Institute of Application and Appreciation

Strange new colors

a polymorphic perspection
apperfective acquisition

time, gravity, language

Symptoms of Health:
the disease that don’t get better, no matter what you do

too much coffee,
not enough cup.

chaos associatives

am I better? Yes
do I feel better? No

future tense and anxious

Meddling Conformist Attitudes

comedy seen, tragedy felt
Life in the absence of shadow

design theory

fundamental practice
participation method

Potential cause
Initial output

She can’t be trusted,
to be left alone.

The fire’s always going;
no need to wake up early.

You’re not just a part of me

felt good to be on their team

hate is not like not like not

the message is the inverse

treatment based on condition

toothpicks chopsticks

interrupted derivation
intercepted deviation

Symbologies in everyday life

systematic deconstruction

accomplices are standing by

the last time that this happened. . .

you must be kidding
you gotta be joking

a version, a vision, a void and a veil

a tension to a diction

obsession without restriction

Our best defense against irony is sarcasm.

correcting the universe

extrapolation exaggeration

hail satans accounts

the devil lives at home

discontent with the human aspect

fed up with the stupid tricks

Paid for it, fair and square.
Made it up just like a bed

Polygonal Polyrhytmic
Semiporous slightly moronic

Kingdom come, back for more,
a festival mentality. . .

wounded reaction,
superficial review

the word a possible reality

Senses clouded in
a particular direction

scruples and frivols to spend

Streetjumping a regular occurrence

Everyone carries a duezie

Skeptix allow one to see the world how it isn’t, so they may know everything for what it is.

my staff and my case

interdimensional vehicle

a time-travelling hat

titration and mediation

sourcery; solutionalism

omniuniversal eclecticism

acompetitive scenario medium

Plotting my own demise
Planning my own escape

domestic aliens, learning to deal with disappointment

ten-thousand hour expertise

technological compensations
levels of strife, saturation

Subsitence of sicknesses

cheap facsimile of Absolute

Parasites Hilarious

How can it mean something different to everyone?

Dig your own grave. . .

Glory to the blessed, unnamed chaos

resistant to absentminded revivalism

“I want to be a cavalryman, Like my father.”

Self-preserving qualifiers

dying language, Sinking ship;
god save our selfish love.
Brass Plaques, IRONiCLAD.

non-attorney spokesperson

who am I and what will I
become, beyond inevitability.

the beginning of goodness

What do you know about

Boring Doing Nothing. . .

Sustainable Resource;
Learned Behavior.

Maple Ginger Bacon Ice Cream

Either Love it or Hate it.

Tertiary Compound

Sustained Energy Life Force

Walls shall not divide
civilization from itself.


How does she pay the rent?

Castles made of sandcastles

Interpol, Muse, and Radiohead

napalm authority
an execution of power

Rabbitholes or creepy people

Exercises in Futility, right?

Cleanse the Palette,
Prepare the canvas

Golden Silverware

an eye for the defectives

Government Band-aid
the notion of private systems

complacent dissident

Regular Pibbage Availability

not enough space to take
can’t afford the change
Retractable Truckbed Canopy

evidence of repetition

confidence in competence

Your egg on pan
Mini McMansion

fictionalization, you can’t get there from here

might as well, just in case,
in the hands of god and fate.
twist and shout, acting out,
I guess you just don’t get it

courtesy was once contagious

Personality doesn’t happen.

Are you being lied to?

Imaginary Placations
Complicative Digestions

staring into the screen

Andersen, Lynch, and Burton

Blindfold, a ceaseless hinge;
your brain is numb with pain.

so tired of your fantasy

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

What is wrong with me, my
problem, the pledge of my
perspective, only I can see.

catching called contagious
what is so right about milk

“There are too many black
shoes in this world.”

Flirting with passion,
Dancing with the void.

If there is an old soul in the dark then that is all there is.

Ain’t that the mean, painful truth.

Carbon Monoxide Free Campus

I like to think that I know what’s in my own mind, thank you very much.

An appropriate waste of time

If they were at once to be not allowed to read, then all would be lost.

internal diodic receptor switch

Daphne and/or Jocelyn
under the aqueduct, the last
time she was seen.

just like me, they long to be

Back logging the recesses of
memory in the age of

twenty-four hour pants

influence, interest, and investment: planes of existence
Inference, interference, and ignorance, as well.

Primitive endourance

Money hurts; pain is value.

Freedom of the Pres

fiendish white dairy devils

fear the past; abolish the future.

leave it to a bureaucrat to
discuss the national debt

incremental interstice
in iteration

Prophetic taste amalgamation,
Whatever it is it’s
happening right now.

Analysis and rebuff of
everything that is wrong with
the world.

when it adds up to eighty

you can’t have everything and

What have I done lately to
merit such luxuriosities?

Don’t know much about nothin.

the pepsi price of water,
in and of a world called now.

What’s the difference have to
do with in common?

People should be able to do whatever they want. It’s hard for most of us to imagine what that would look like, and yet it might actually be that way already anyway.

Knowledge happens the first time information occupies a circuit, and thought second.

Positive Product Review

Flames lapping in the wind
Barriers of Electric Light
Monsters Patrol the grounds
Turning down the free drinks

the bad books, victim hood

irrefutably living
in three dimensions

The cows aren’t going to milk
themselves. up and adam.

my bedmind remains unchanged;
following the least important.

the only perfect product
within a perfect world.

Good meat a bad disease

I have better things to do
than worry about what other
people think.

I think I know me
Testing the water

You can’t hate them for their ignorance.

a product of divorce

somebody’s gotta push the buttons

Slowly becoming vegan again.

burial barrier by living light

forgetting by haste darknesses

lethargious waste of empathies

Sorrowful potentials neglected

Transmissions of self-imposed and implied regret, enabling.

Standing in direct opposition

What you tend to worry about
is none of my concern

Elimination of possible worlds

the quenched thirst unattained

you can’t get there from here.

what is a one word definition

You gotta take care of
yourself because nobody else

Not all of us are full of

Putting the fun back in

She holds down the buttons.

Wasting time simply because
I know just who I am.

Tellin yourself just to make
you feel better, all in spite
of the beautiful weather.

The houses that we live in

green collar, Real Practical

We can; that means we should.

theory of universal opposites

the false prophet’s dilemmas

going crazy, afraid of nothin

That Taste of Meat; dead pink

Short-sighted, narrow minded

This darkness, it’s not like

Subliminal Advertisement
still sleeping all the time
thoughtfully designed cues
success through repetition

second to last, next to first

quality fingernails bouquet
what’s important to me simply
is not important to the rest.

Evident in perfect disruption
that sinking heart feeling

Recollection of recalled remembrance. . .

invisible hand, guiding light

the combonation of toothings

Propagandous optimism,
narcissistic pessimism

the Secretary’s physiology

ineffectual superstitions
a certain death so painless

post fifty-two thousand era
destined to repeat itselves
building up our immunitions

sneezy sings his sisters song

words in out up down back for
omnidirection; monodimension.

comprehension and recognition

acclamation accumulation
culmination cultivation
active properties
train of thought

irresponsibly disconnected;
no analogy for anomaly.

texting space, elbow roof
hand to foot, living proof

why refuse a good thing?

expository persuasiveness

correctly remember the future

an undesired loss of absence,
it all begins just as it ends
recursed regressed retroacted

laziness hardly excusable
Poor living condition develop

eradicate evacuate eviscerate

This is the last time, your
last chance; the only way out
is just to simply walk away.

Ninety nine times,
over and over again.

We didn’t think that we could
with any level of certainty
seize possession of such
necessary faculty controlled.

Demonstrate to celebrate. . . 

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