Friday, June 10, 2011

EXCERPTS from the box of thought scraps, Aug. 10 - Jun. 11

Is listening to others,
And then
Listening to yourself


Seek problems
Find solutions


Is the only way to travel


The path of least resistance
Is that of most acceptance


Before money, it was much more common for one to follow in their parent’s footsteps, inheriting trades and land. These expectations still exist, but the promise of becoming, of manifest destiny, augments the dream, so the life, of the parent and child, independently.


You senseless beast
Too old to fast
Too tired to feast


In risk of redundancy, I declare




Listen to your self and
Your parents and
Respect your elders and


I was born into a world where bad things happen, where people die. I was raised with expectations unknown to me, and expectations of my own. Sometimes these would match regardless of realizations,
Us monkeys know the world is ending, because we’ve been told. In our absence all our trails are to us negative, left to be learned from, and as we teach we shine in the right path.
Dying is not so bad as being dead, inert, unable to change one’s surroundings, or at least unwilling.
I had many heroes growing up, both ones I knew and ones it’d be impossible to know due to time, distance, they might be dead and captured for me on camera: The Marx brothers, Roald Dahl, my parents, my cats, , ,


To be yourself is a godly path and choice, as it is not a devilish one. But that path is not godly, it is devilish, for no perceivable path, or any other aspect of perception, is totally good or bad.

Chief exports





What if you’re having fun while flying? How fast do you have fun for time to reach the speed of light?


If you want to go to heaven there’s only one way to really get there. Otherwise its just a chase. You must see god (in all things), and the only way to do that is to not see, or ignore, the devil, which means self-allocation, being the only element disconnected from the observer. I wouldn’t want to go to heaven myself; it’s too clean.


People love a generalization
As much as they love a contradiction


To sustain life, desire is necessary and necessity is desired.
Deserve enough.

Do not care about the future, yours or anyone else’s, as distinct from longevity.



They give driver’s licenses to anyone, and tell you what to do every chance they get


What we do not will, we won’t

Happiness in seeking truth
Truth in seeking happiness


The only person I know I’m better than is the one I’d be if I didn’t try so damn hard

Self is the common point between generalized reciprocity and random acts of whatever

What comes with time, stays with practice, and goes with ignorance

You can’t support a part without supporting the whole


Considering mankind’s turmoil, props on completing the book. I hope you’re happy, you haven’t changed a thing.
The universe is only indifferent because it’s self-balanced, equal in yes and no.


Quality of life is based on attitude, and is different in some aspect for everyone.


“arent you a little old for that?”
“arent you a little young to be so grumpy?”


In the beginning was creation. Something came from nothing. I think you had to have been there. Now we have to make sense of it for ourselves, or not.

Do we jump the fence and ffff the grass, only to enviously watch nature level our untended gardens?


When I think of we be he, he gives me the heebeejeebees
I do not know that there is a difference between genius and madness


Go between the trees, you cant go through them
I know we both though at one point that we would be together forever. I think that sometimes, and that we still are. I wish I didn’t let you go, didn’t make you go. I am happy for you, which has been to say I am unhappy for me, but as things are now I realize I can survive without  you, but we cant survive without them.
Theres something around the corner, around a corner. The old man walking up the hill said the devil’s loose and when I said “where” he pointed at the library.
I believe in the devil as much as I believe in god, in everything as much as nothing, in something as much as anything.
Bridges burn too easily when theyre not made of stone or metal, when theyre not meant to be crossed.
I have alternatives, options, and Im judged for my behaviour. DISUPLIN in action.


Drugs keep us here
As much as any otherthing does
We take our chances
With a glass of water

Itll be very interesting
To see how you twist
My words and use them
Against me

Qwestions and ancers


Life is beautiful
But don’t ask why


People do things to save their comfort, homes, countries, their own butts, and other people. If there’s any one reason, theyre sacrificing a better world for all reasons left unconsidered.

Miracles cant happen until you can imagine them


“Isn’t it a little early to be conquering your drug problems?”

Growth Rate: zero


“elders” doesn’t mean the same thing anymore. The Elderly hate being called that. What happened to “respect your elders?” The traditional family systems have broken down and our old have become displaced. They’ve become misunderstood, an embarrassment, a waste of space. But they’ve seen it all before, they’ve made it this far because they’ve done something right. We could certainly learn something from them if we treat them as people.
Old is something we all get, and many of us certainly dread it, but we shouldn’t have to. They raised us, and we have the ego to disregard them, the people who are still alive and still love us because they know that’s how society is today, trained to accept the world like the rest of us? I will miss my family when theyre gone.


Literature and Television
(imagination v. immersion)

Gossip is as bad as lying.


Music is a beautiful dead end. It can be pure creation, People were created to make sound, in a way.

“Don’t blame anything on drinking.”   -Moore



21- legal drinker
22- the end of delusion
23- the beginning of the end
24- we’ll see
25- they take me seriously/ lowered insurance rates


There will always be oppositions but we wont know what it is until we conquer the ones at hand.

“The world will end when we least expect it.”   -Damn Bible


Without love, the world becomes a cold, dark place that doesn’t move. It really does make the world go round.

Humans are the only things that consciously destroy, so they are the only things that destroy. Without conscience, every thing is positive.


In answer to laziness, I find the secret is to never become comfortable, but I am also aware of the moderation. I must strive  to avoid wearing myself out. I have come to workaholic braking points, supplemented with bouts of self-indulgence, and then neglect, like when I don’t eat candy for awhile. Then I have a bag of gummi bears, freak out for fifteen minutes, and incessantly drink water to recover for the next two hours. Everything happens in bursts, and too often I have admitted a transitory change too early as a lifelong one, like with quitting smoking or procrastinating.



We’re all creators, and without at least an idea of satisfaction this life would not seem worth living. Some of us do things solely to please ourselves, some to please others, some to conquer their enemies, but all of these are for selfish gain.
Anything that eats food likely makes a turd. Some bury them, some flush them, some throw them or roll around in them. It’s a product of our body and its up to us to do something with it.
One mans trash is another mans trash

Monuments of nationalist pride can instill fear in others, but they crumble and return to the soil just like anything else. I could lose this scrap, it could burn, I could die and it would go unnoticed or I would just completely lose it and it would all become nonsense blah blah. You either feel like your job is important or it’s a waste of everyones time, especially your own, and you wish money grew on trees. It might.
I breathe the same particles people in the most remote villages hundreds of years ago breathed. It is impossible to exist and not have your actions affect everyone else, because we, as part of the world, need each other to exist, or we’re enemies. Rivalry gives us a reason to survive, but at someone elses expense.

Enemies are opposition. Take a step back. See? We’re the same.


I’m here to preserve the legacy that we have distracted ourselves from. This life goes beyond anyone man, group, religion, economy, country, corporation, law, world, beyond everything we know, beyond everything we don’t know and never will. Science is a distraction, mans discovery of the simplest forms of natural creation. Invention is manipulation.
EVERY CHOICE IS THAT AGAINST NOT CHOOSING. As youre choosing, you’ve already chosen. I AM NOT AFRAID and I am
Im greedy
Im needy
Im a world leader


The only difference between our lives and dreams is the necessity of our bodies. It effects our perception of control, everythings perfect just as it is is is is is
We are living in ancient times. These buildings are already ruins and monuments of civilizations we think we know. We are living history. Just a little disturbing is okeedokee. This stomachache came with a twist


I had to drop out of college because of the introspective papers I was writing but couldn’t handle, and I was infatuated with someone who only wanted friendship


I watched it happen
The craving disappeared
The function was synthesized


It kills me to see us living so destructively, like we could rise above this vortex. Or maybe we talk too much, talk ourselves in circles. Qualitatively, I’m not that selfish.
Im an improv player. I know its not necessarily easy to make something that sounds good, but like anything else all it takes is time and effort.

Day Zero
tomorrow is the end of the world

Axiom and ye shall receive


A rock band is expensive;
The price is rolling.
You must spin your wheels,
Drag it out,
Hate each other.

A dream is expensive.
The price is music.
You must play your songs,
Work it out,
Love each other.

This is not a pretty
park to me;
There are notrees
Or water
And few signs of life
This early.


Money is our physical manifestation of interpretation of the difference and similarity of the value of things.

-Halve not



Eye of god
Buy product
Make up your mind
Eat a lot
Hand of god
Cover up
Hide your lies
Moth of god
Speak of truth
Talk in turn
Touch the roof

Go to college
Go to hell
Go to dentist
Just as well


Human : humanity :: blood cell : blood
Vampire : garlic :: doctor : apples

Companions love
Competitions hate
Contemporaries ffff

What is meta phor?


Perfect pickup line (to use or accept)

“Hello, I’m looking for the mother of my children. Will you marry me?”


I went to the hospital and waited:

Im becoming a snowball
A block of solid ice
What can I do to prevent
The apparent inevitable
“hes vomiting again”
I need the bad to hold the pad
“if itll come up itll come up
don’t make it”
My right to emergency treatment
Wheres the camera
Im a patient creature


Theres a rat in the house, eating our scraps and dumping on low surfaces. We see it every now and the and wish we could do more to eliminate them, but we know no matter how technologically advanced our traps are, we’ll need better ones.
Who knows how many of them there are. We only see one at a time so it seems that’s all there is, one solitary nuisance wreaking havoc, but within these walls they might as well outnumber us. We could be harboring them in Eden, to parallel our own.
They would not survive without us, not here. They would not have a reason to be the pests they surely don’t perceive themselves to be. We are at war as much as they are, a present standoff, waiting for tomorrow’s crisis. All preliminary steps made have been necessary for us, but had they not have been made, we would be equally prepared.
We actually depend on them, our threat, to realize ourselves, victors in our own domains as they, living free-willed things, must as well.
If a rat knew what it means to be a rat, would it act any different? Would it strive for a car and a wife, or food and safety? I know what I am, as someone who could be whatever they want, or do whatever they want, to become, as long as they make the right choice. I’ve made plenty of bad choices, and continue to daily, depending on whos looking. But everything I’ve done, do, and will do is common because of me and my wicked world, so all of it is right and within my best interest and survival.
I’ve wasted opportunities and chances, about half the time. The lives I could have had and still want to believe I will once again uncover.


Listen more
In the future
Ask only questions
Look out
And laugh
God went to college


I see the light in all things
Infinite universe
I feel the pain of all beings
For better or for worse

We might be a doomed tribe
In the meantime were alive


Thought or Action

In this world
Of needs and wants,
You can have both
And you can’t.
It’ll make you an old man
If you can last that long.
And if you can’t,
Neither is
Just as well.



All men are fools, rebels, patriots.
All statements are false.
This is a dream,
I’m lying awake.
Do something, say it,
Speak those words.
Don’t listen to me.
Do as you’re told,
In perfect harmony.
We’ve all been through it,
Ended up with someone,
By our self or selves.
Haven’t you heard?
It never ends.
These circles of hope and fear.
The wise man does nothing
By refusing to operate,
Observing ability and resource dwindle,
Watched chance take hold and disolv.
I’ve spread my self thin.
It’s time to simplify.
explanations go on, questions remain.
exclamation provides spark
and ignites mutually.
do it while you’re young,
in the name of crisis and ambition,
All men

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